BC Schizophrenia Society - Smithers

Mental Health Family Resource Centre from the BC Schizophrenia Society

We provide support services, education and advocacy for anyone who has a caring relationship with anyone who is living with a Mental Illness: Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, etc..

Clara Donnelly Regional Coordinator/Educator 250-847-9779, cell: 250-877-0468 Free Mental Health Education Programs:

Strengthening Families Together: Caregiver ten week course on Mental Illness Partnership Education Presentations: Community outreach mental health education

Reaching Out: High School Mental Health Education

Puppet Show Program Elementary Mental Health Education through puppets Kids in Control: 8 week course for children age 8 to 13 whose parents or siblings live with a Mental Illness

Safetalk: Helps to connect people who has thoughts of suicide to Suicide first aid resources.

We also offer support groups for family members of people living with Mental Illness: 1.- First Wednesday of every month from 12 to 1:30pm Clara Donnelly Facilitator 250-847-9779 2.- Third Thursday of every month from 7 to 9pm

Groups at 3862-B Broadway Avenue, Smithers,BC 

Caregivers Support Group: for Family Members of people living with Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease From 1:30 to 3:30 at the Mental Health and Addictions conference Room (Courthouse building 1rst floor)

3862B Broadway Ave
Smithers, BC V0J2N0
Email : 
BC Schizophrenia Society