
The Community Directory is intended to provide service provider contact information to residents of Smithers and area, professionals seeking to make contact with others, visitors to Smithers and to those seeking information from outside of Smithers.

Any community organization that provides a community service in the Smithers Area is invited to have their organization listed on the Directory. The Directory includes information regarding the organization’s name, type of service provided, key goals of the organization and contact information.

To have your information ADDED to the DIRECTORY please download, print, and complete the Smithers Community Directory Submission Form. Upon completion please email the form to and we will review/post your organization.

Title Phone
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Moms Stop the Harm
NDSP Strengthening Families Program 250-847-9000
New Directions Holdings Ltd. 250-847-1954 Fax: 250-847-1974
Northern B.C. Cancer Agency 250-645-7323 or toll-free (within BC) 1-855-775-7300, ext. 687323 Fax: 250-967-0128
Northern BC Crisis Line 1-888-562-1214
Northern Health Occupational Therapy 250-643-7102
Northern Society for Domestic Peace 250-847-9000 Fax: 250-847-8911
Northwest Child Development Centre Phone: 250-847-4122 Fax: 1-778-648-2032
Occupational Therapy (OT) - Northwest Child Development Centre 250-847-4122 Fax: 250-847-9338
Office of the Wet'suwet'en 250-847-3630 Fax: 250-847-5381
Office of the Wet’suwet’en - ANABIP Program ANABIP - 250-877-5090 Fax: 250-847-5381
Options for Sexual Health Clinic 250-847-6400 Fax: 250-847-5908
Outreach (Stopping the Violence) - Northern Society for Domestic Peace Phone: 250-847-9000 Fax: 250-847-8911
Passage Transition House 24 Hour Shelter - Northern Society for Domestic Peace 250-847-2595 Fax: 250-847-2513
Physio Therapy - Northwest Child Development Centre 250-847-4122 Fax: 250-847-9338
Positive Living Northwest Phone: 250-877-0042 or 1-866-877-0042 Fax: 250-877-0047
Public Guardian & Trustee of BC Phone: (250) 712-7576 / Toll Free : 1-800-663-7867 Fax: (250) 712-7578
Public Health Protection - Northern Health 250-847-6400 Fax: 250-847-5908
Recreation Parks and Culture 250-847-1600
Recreation, Parks and Culture Services - Town of Smithers 250-847-1600 Fax: 250-847-1601
Relationship Violence Treatment Program - Northern Society for Domestic Peace 250-847-9000 Fax: 250-847-8911
Salvation Army, The Phone: 250 847 1501
School Age Services - Northwest Child Development Centre 250-847-4122 Fax: 250-847-9338
School Age Services - Northwest Child Development Centre 250-847-4122 Fax: 250-847-9338
Second Stage Housing - Northern Society for Domestic Peace 250-847-9000 Fax: 250-874-8911
Service Canada Centre 250-847-5478 or 1-888-668-8444
Sexual Abuse Intervention - Northern Society for Domestic Peace 250-847-9000 Fax: 250-847-8911
Sexual Abuse Intervention Program - Northern Society for Domestic Peace 250 847 9000 Fax: 250 847 8911
Smart Mom - Northern Health
