BC Centre on Substance Use


The BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) is a provincially networked organization with a mandate to develop, help implement, and evaluate evidence-based approaches to substance use and addiction. Building on the extensive efforts of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, the BCCSU’s vision is to transform substance use policies and care in BC by translating research into education and evidence-based care guidance. By supporting the collaborative development of evidence-based policies, guidelines and standards, the BCCSU seeks to improve the integration of best practices and care across the continuum of substance use, thereby serving all British Columbians. The BCCSU seeks to achieve these goals through integrated activities of its three core functions: research and evaluation, education and training, and clinical care guidance. Research —Leading an innovative multidisciplinary program of research, monitoring, evaluation and quality improvement activities to guide health system improvements in the area of substance use. Education and Training—Strengthening addiction medicine education activities across disciplines, academic institutions and health authorities, and training the next generation of interdisciplinary leaders in addiction medicine. Clinical Care Guidance—Developing and helping implement evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, treatment pathways and other practice support documents.

#608-1051 Burrard St
St. Paul's Hospital
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
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BC Centre on Substance Abuse